Now that blogger is cooperating, I can finish delighting you with tales of my birthday. Amber, Carl got me a necklace, a camera case, Mancala, and game called Blink, Batman Begins, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Sunday was our good friend Brock's birthday, so we celebrated our birthdays on Saturday with pizza and cake, followed by go-karts and an awesome game of Mini-Golf (often called Putt Putt out here). Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so didn't get any pictures.
On Sunday, we went to the in-laws house and Carl made me a wonderful banana chocolate chip cake. It was very yummy.

And yes, I look funny. I just barely woke up, so my hair is all nice and creased and if you look closely, I probably have what is commonly called "Waffle Weave Face" at Colleen's house.

I almost got them all out, but the one's at the bottom of the 'T' were hard to get too...
So remember my oh-so-selfish post about work not doing anything for my birthday? Well...
Ta-Da! My birthday party at work. They did it on Monday and had yummy pizza and caramel brownies and fruit with a yummy fruit dip. They got a bunch of medical supplies and decorated the table with them.
Also, on Monday the 14, Carl's brother and his wife, Phil and Bonnie, had a cute little baby, Alisa. I was hoping for one on my birthday, but so far I have just have Tressa on the 13th and now Alisa on the 14th. Maybe one day somebody will get it right. Happy Birthday Tressa and Alisa!
Oh, for a little clarification, when ever you fall asleep on my parent's couch without a pillow, the fabric leaves an impression that looks like a waffle. That's why my little brother calls it "Waffle Weave Face." Tiona has this habit of getting waffle weave face nearly every Sunday we go there for dinner...
Tiona Happy late birthday!!!! It looks like you had a very special day!
Update your blog gosh dang it! :)
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