Friday, May 28, 2010


Some of you already know, but I am leaving for Segovia, Spain on Sunday. I will be there for an entire month, until June 30th. I was originally going to Mexico, but it got too violent. I ended up transferring to Spain instead and moving my trip up a month. I am now frantically trying to get ready for flight on Sunday. You can follow my travels here and also on another blog, A Summer in Segovia. I've added a link on my blog roll so you can find it easy. I had to start a blog to meet my scholarship qualifications, so I will blog frequently!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree!

This semester I had to do my senior project. My partner and I focused on child abuse and for our project, raised awareness of child abuse on Northern Kentucky University campus. We worked with a great agency, The Family Nurturing Center on their activities for National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is April. Part of our activities included making a Blue Tree, which was decorating a tree in blue (which is the color for child abuse).

So, I hauled my dear Christmas tree to campus. This Christmas tree is only 5 feet tall, but is covered in lights. No, it's not prelit. It's covered in light because our first year our here, I put lights on it for the first time. And I apparently went all out. It took me three days because I kept running out of lights. The 5 foot tree has 900 lights on it. Yes, you read that right. I crammed 9 strands of lights on it. Because it looked so awesome and took me forever to do, I refused to take it down. Instead, I shoved the tree in one of our closets. Definitely makes setting up easier!

Anywho, so I hauled my dear Christmas tree, still covered in lights, to campus. Luckily, the parking lot was close to the nursing building, but I still had a bit to carry the tree.

So, picture this. It's the end of March when I set it up. Beginning of May when I took it down. I'm carrying a Christmas tree across campus, in broad daylight. Yes, I'm sure I look like an idiot. Actually, I know I look like an idiot. That doesn't stop people from making snarky comments.

"Is it December already?" "I must have skipped a few months!" "Hey girl! You got your months wrong!"

Honestly people! Act like college students and pretend to be intelligent. Yes, I know what month it is. Do you think I'm carrying a Christmas tree on campus because I think it's Christmas? Did it ever cross your mind it was for something school related?

I do have to admit....I looked like a complete idiot.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New 'Do

Alright, ignore the crappy picture. And ignore the fact that I haven't posted forever. I promise that I'll post more. I finally did something different with my hair and went blonde! And before you start out on all the jokes, I started out as a blonde, and probably have blonde for most of my life.

Does my nose look slightly like a witches in this picture?