I passed off giving shots yesterday. And I passed off catheters today. Feel free to step right up for your shot and catheter... (Don't worry, the catheter was on a mannequin!)
I came home form work yesterday to find a green box sitting on the table. Excitedly, I asked Carl what is was, secretly hoping he had bought me a present. You'll never guess what it was. Go on, try to guess.
It was a skull. A real, live human skull. (I guess it's actually a real, dead human skull) The medical school loans one to each of the students go they can practice their anatomy at home. Carl placed his skull in a place of honor, on top of our entertainment center. It's a good thing I don't let Carl do all of the decorating...
Speaking of decorating, I am excited for our tax refund to come in. I would like to buy some bathroom stuff and also shelves for the kitchen wall with it.
Who knows, though? We just found out the Stratus needs new tires. That's like $500! So that's what our tax refund is going to: new tires on the Stratus. And probably what else is wrong with it. That car is falling apart.
That's how it always seems to go, though. We just can't get ahead. If it's not the car, it's medical bills or a trip or gas prices jumping up when Carl drives an hour a day! Every time we have a little bit of extra money, it goes towards something else.
Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way. Perhaps I should be thanking my Heavenly Father that we always have enough money to pay for the unexpected car repair and that we can afford to have a weekend away.
One day, however, I would like to buy those shelves and stuff for that other bathroom.
12 hours ago
Ken thinks that Carl should leave the skull in the patient from now on.
I hope that you will be able to get what you need to decorate your home. I know how it is to want something but then we have to responsible and buy what is needed.
Congrats on passing off your shots and catheters.
I don't think I could handle the skull. I have this thing where I'm scared of dead people. I don't think I'm the only one either.
You know, money's a tricky thing. The minute you get your hands on it, something happens to take it away all too quickly. Sammy and I know too much about that this month! Our trusty Chrysler broke down, and the repairs on that one are $3200! It's not even worth that! So, needless to say, we've been learning how to get around with one car. Cars and money. They're both a pain in the butt, but you can't live without either of them!
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