Thursday, October 16, 2008

Change your password

I hate mandatory password changes. Especially the ones where you can't use the same password for another 2 years or so. I only have so many variations of the same password!

Well, my school makes us change our password every 3 months or so. Not a big deal, but I have to come up with a new password and remember it. What I also hate is that it changes the password across the board. So, I change the password to log on to the school computers and it changes the password for my email and blackboard. Once again, not a big deal, I just make it difficult.

I forward my school email to my gmail account. One less email I have to check. It's really easy to do: you just give gmail your email address and the password and they take care of it for you. However, whenever my password to my NKU email changes, I have to go into gmail and change the password. And I have a habit of forgetting to this step.

Usually I remember in about one or two days. This time, it was two weeks before I caught on. I missed a bunch of junk mail, but also missed emails informing me of canceled study sessions, canceled classes, and training schedules for work. Oops.

You think I would learn my lesson after doing this once. Or twice. Or how many times I've done this. But no. Every time I do this and for some reason, the sudden stop of emails into my account doesn't catch my attention.

We'll blame it on school, genetics, and my medication.


chel said...

Hey, I just found your blog. And I have to say I completely agree about the trouble with passwords. My problem is remembering which variation I chose to use, and then getting kicked out because of too many guesses. Its even worse when you can't answer your security questions :).
Chelan McCurry Myers

Carl said...

Also, to make matters worse, Tiona gets mad at ME when this happens! She comes to me and thinks I killed her email... :)

david o smith said...

I really agree. I had to change an email recently and it took me forever to remember what it was.