However, upon looking at a close-up of the cookies, you notice something peculiar. What could it be? Yes, it is my reject pile. Those are the cookies I refuse to take to my friends house tonight either because they broke in half as I was getting them off the cookie sheet or because they fell on the floor after I knocked the cookie rack off the counter...
Most of them are the second reason. And that's what left after Carl said "You mopped the floor this week, right?" and ate some of them.
Yes, you read that right. Carl was putting cookies onto the second tier of the cookie racks and I knocked the cookie rack off the counter. Luckily, Carl managed to grab the second tier and save most of the cookies. The rest, however, we're doomed.
I guess know we know why my older sister called me "Klutz" growing up.
Tiona, that's awesome! Kluziness is the way to be!! And I totally want that cookie rack - excellent!!
How funnny...I too have burnt rice and have yet to master chocolate chip cookies(that is the only kind I have tried to bake). So props to you for actually making yummy cookies.My mom says she failed in teaching her girls in the baking/cooking department:) As for your klutziness, I agree with your friend only cool people are klutzy!
Sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but that is hilarious.
Mmmmm! I think they look good! Way to go T! Every cook has a reject pile! Keep trying... it will get easier!
You know, I had some friends that always accidently burned one of the cookie batches, but the rest would come out amazing. We decided it was a sacrifice to the cookie gods to bless the rest of them. Maybe you are doing something right.
I don't think it matters if some of your cookies end up getting sacrificed to the cookie gods because, if I remember correctly, you make a mean mac 'n cheese and that totally makes up for it :)
This is way random, but I grew up just a few houses away from Carl. I met you at the High School Reunion a few years back. It was fun to see what you guys are up to. Tell Carl hello for me.
Haley Paxman Castillo
Tiona! Thanks for finding my blog! I'm really bad at cooking too! That's the hardest part of being married for me, being in charge of dinner. Keep in touch!
Hey I made our blog private and I don't have an e-mail to send you guys an invite. e-mail me back at
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