We bought a washer yesterday! Yippee!! See, Colleen (my mother-in-law), was buying her a new washer and dryer and was going to give us her old ones. Up until now, we've been going over to her house and doing all of our laundry. Well, after they put new tile in her laundry room, they moved the old washer and dryer in (the new ones hadn't come in it) and the washer leaked everywhere. It's an older one and we decided it would be better to just buy a new one than try to fix this one and have it break again in a few months. So, last night, we bought a brand new Maytag washer with a stainless steel tub. We're still getting the dryer from Colleen and will use it until it dies. But I'm excited to finally have a washer and dryer in my house. It'll be wierd...I don't know what we'll do with our Saturday afternoons!
Well, church has come up with something for me to do. I was in as la lider de economica domestica (I think that's what it is!). In English, it's the Enrichment Night Leader. Scary! Luckily, the counselor I'll be working with speaks both English and Spanish, whcih I need. However, I have no idea how to go about it. I don't have ideas for enrichment nights! Help, please! If you have any ideas, or just your favorite enrichment nights, or things your ward has done in the past, please, give them to me!!
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
14 hours ago